Higher education in bangladesh


Institutions of education, and the system of which they're a part, face a host of unknown challenges from forces in society that affect and are told by these veritably institutions and their communities of learners and preceptors. Among these forces are sweeping demographic changes, shrinking parochial budgets, revolutionary advances in information and telecommunication technologies, globalization, competition from new educational providers, request pressures to shape educational and scholarly practices toward profit- driven ends, and adding demands and pressures for abecedarian changes in public policy and public responsibility relative to the part of advanced education in addressing pressing issues of communities and the society at large. Anyone of these challenges would be significant on their own, but inclusively they increase the complexity and difficulty for education to sustain or advance the abecedarian work of serving the public good.

 Through a forum on education, we can agree to Strengthening the relationship between advanced education and society will bear a broad- based trouble that encompasses all of education, not just individual institutions, departments and associations.

 Incremental results can only go so far; strategies for change must be informed by a participated vision and a set of common objects. A" movement" approach for change holds lesser pledge for transubstantiating academic culture than the prevailing" organizational" approach.

 Marshaling change will bear strategic alliances, networks, and hookups with a broad range of stakeholders within and beyond education.

 The Common docket is specifically designed to support a" movement" approach to change by encouraging the emergence of strategic alliances among individualities and associations who watch about the part of advanced education in advancing the ideals of a different popular system through education practices, connections and service to society.

 A Common docket

 The Common docket is intended to be a" living" document and an open process that guides collaborative action and literacy among married mates within and outside of advanced education. As a living document, the Common docket is a collection of focused exertion aimed at advancing communal, social, and artistic places in society. This collaboratively created, enforced, and concentrated Common docket respects the diversity of exertion and programmatic foci of individualities, institutions, and networks, as well as recognizes the common interests of the whole. As an open process, the Common docket is a structure for connecting work and connections around common interests fastening on the academic part in serving society. colorful modes of aliening and amplifying the common work within and beyond education will be handed within the Common docket process.

 This approach is understandably ambitious and unique in its purpose and operation. Eventually, the Common docket challenges the system of advanced education, and those who view education as vital to addressing society's pressing issues, to act designedly, inclusively, and easily on an evolving and significant set of commitments to society. presently, four broad issue areas are shaping the focus of the Common docket 1) erecting public understanding and support for our communal charge and conduct; 2) Cultivating networks and hookups; 3) Infusing and buttressing the value of communal responsibility into the culture of advanced education institutions; and 4) Bedding communal engagement and social responsibility in the structure of the education system.

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